Monday, 5 November 2007

panamalleycat IV 03.11.07

light head trauma

my helmet was in my bag. i woke up when they were getting me into the ambulance. i'm lucky, i guess. my face looks like someone punched me and my shoulder hurts but i'm ok.

juan took my bike (with the front wheel fucked up) with him. jonathan and delphina came to the hospital and waited with me until they let me out at 5am. thank you guys.

jonathan, delphina and jbouledelfina and juan

so i missed the end of the night, but looking at my photos now... it was a great night.

we met up at 19:00 at porte maillot. lots of people showed up. local couriers from urban cycle, velocite paris, and novea, also tom (who runs tour de ville) vincent (haute-courier) and joss the boss (who works in london) from eindhoven, ... anny and rebecca (who i met at the velorution ride that morning) from the states, ...
at porte maillot
tom, vincent and me wanted to enjoy the sights of paris la nuit. luckily, the 3rd checkpoint was in a bar so we stopped for a beer with axle and after a few amstel's we decided we weren't going to win the alleycat. so we never made it to the second manifest... but we found out where the finish line was and we got there eventually.
the finish linejboule busy with the manifests
gab, yves and miguel (in that order apparently) won the race, joss was the first out of town, rebecca the first girl, pat the best dispatch, juan also won something, and so did some more people i can't remeber now... jboule did a great job organizing the whole event. merci beaucoup monsieur. a la prochaine (decembre 8).
gab, yves and miguel
panamalleycat IV 03.11.07
more photos at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope it was really nothing, and it just remained "another experience" in a Parisian hospital by night.
Take care.
Cuídate mucho.