Monday, 30 June 2008

urban velo 7

urban velo 7, originally uploaded by pedalturista.

Saturday, 28 June 2008


fixed, originally uploaded by pedalturista.


traffic, originally uploaded by pedalturista.

pick up for wwf. bois de bologne

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Sunday, 22 June 2008

romain's brooklyn machine works gangsta track

Thursday, 19 June 2008




le podium
jumbo, shino (CMWC08 fixed-brakeless winner) and porno steve

photo by martinho

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

summer is coming

summer is coming, originally uploaded by pedalturista.


Friday, 13 June 2008

bootleg sessions v. 2

bootleg sessions v. 2, originally uploaded by pedalturista.

arrived today

avenue de la grande armee vide


Wednesday, 11 June 2008

hipster special

hipster special, originally uploaded by pedalturista.

they have arrived...


tool, originally uploaded by pedalturista.

Monday, 9 June 2008


table, originally uploaded by pedalturista.

i had to do a delivery at "le bon marche" and on my way in i saw this table. i like it. a lot.

Sunday, 8 June 2008

fete du velo a bagnolet

with our friends of obsen cycle + le 115

fete du velo a bagnolet 08.06.08

fete du velo a bagnolet 08.06.08

fete du velo a bagnolet 08.06.08

velorution cyclonudiste 07.06.08

there were 6 vans and a big bus of cops when we arrived at jardin de reuilly. they had forbidden the naked ride. some people tried to go completely naked and got arrested. but, in spite of the cops and their methods, it was fun. merci velorution. a l'annee prochaine.

velorution cyclonudiste 07.06.08

velorution cyclonudiste 07.06.08

velorution cyclonudiste 07.06.08

velorution cyclonudiste 07.06.08

velorution cyclonudiste 07.06.08

velorution cyclonudiste 07.06.08

we finish at la fete du velo, at the stand of our friends of cycl'air

velorution cyclonudiste 07.06.08

velorution cyclonudiste 07.06.08