Wednesday, 19 December 2007

merry christmas

have fun and ride safe

xmas steamroller

snow man

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

panam experience

jboule is organizing the pre event in paris for the ECMC08
i'm helping out
we need some flyers soon...


Monday, 3 December 2007

surly cross check (workbike)

surly cross check, originally uploaded by pedalturista.

i'd like to get a job with my friends at urban cycle
("la première division" as jboule says)
... but i would need a geared bike
(i'm not sure why but you're not allowed to work on a fixed)
so i got my cross check geared and ready
i just need to learn french properly
petit a petit

Saturday, 1 December 2007

bicycle concept store

k124 house paris bicycle concept store inauguration party

Last night we went to the inauguration of:
a bicycle concept store in paris
[9 rue pierre dupont)

k124 house paris bicycle concept store inauguration partyk124 house paris bicycle concept store inauguration party

nice shop, great space, good music, drinks, friends... it was the opening party.
plenty of bmx, trial bikes, mountain bikes, ... but no fixed, track bikes, ...
after watching the mashsf dvd, maybe they'll consider bringing some fixie goodies since riding fixed is becoming quite trendy in paris just like everywhere else...

there was a flatland bmx demo going on
the guys from cream mag were there...
and some kids riding unicycles!

k124 house paris bicycle concept store inauguration partyk124 house paris bicycle concept store inauguration party

after the party we went for a ride... vendredi soir roulez

vendredi soir roulez